Latest Journal December 2024
ISCA MEMBERS - Click Here to Access the JOURNAL On-line
Join or Renew Online!
You can join ISCA or renew your membership online. Payment can now be made using PayPal or Check. All information is sent via a secure server.
Become A Member
You may also submit a paper application (PDF file) if you prefer.
Now in the Members Only Section:
- Membership Roster
- ISCA Officer Position Descriptions.
Members Only Section.
OA and CSP Checklists
have been updated in the
OA and CSP Reference
ISCA Update
ISCA, for many years as a service to the hobby has coordinated the patch trading activity at both the National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) and also the BSA National Jamboree. Last year at NOAC we also had an information booth informing attendees of the latest on the hobby. We are now in the planning stages for doing the coordination for the BSA National Jamboree next year. As a result, we are going to need lots of volunteers to help staff the event.
To get your name on the potential volunteer list (or if you have questions), please send an email message to craig.leighty@gmail.com.
Note: Trades may be youth/youth, youth/adult, or adult/adult so long as such interactions conform to the BSA Youth Protection Guidelines and Barriers to Abuse policies and such trades adhere to the ideals of the Scout Law.
BSA Scouting History Project
ISCA is assisting in a project to put together an exhaustive hierarchical list of ALL CATEGORIES of Scouting memorabilia. It can be any and all memorabilia that someone in Scouting might collect. Things like OA, CSP and Camp patches of course, but to also include things like: District and Council patches, decals, mugs, neckerchiefs, train sets, uniforms, insignia, merit badges, games, dolls, canteens, equipment, etc., etc.
FYI, we are looking for a few volunteers to help so PLEASE, send me an email (Craig.Leighty@gmail.com) and I can fill you in on the details. AND, if you have an extensive collection in any of the areas (i.e.: considered to be an expert/knowledgeable in a particular area) that could help, so please let me know that as well.
All - In - One Financial Support Package
The ISCA Board of Directors is rolling out a new way for members to financially support the work of ISCA. With a financial gift.
Click the button for details...
ISCA Through pictures
Brian Ives and others have assembled a nice collection of images of ISCA's involvement in the hobby!
Click the button to go to ISCA's Flicker page...
NEW Non-Members free Sample
September 2013A taste of ISCA. Features include 2013 National Jamboree wrap up and more...
...and if you like what you see, please consider becoming a member. Just click on the "JOIN NOW" button on the left.
Cost is only $15.00 per year.
ISCA Policy Regarding Unauthorized Patches
During a conference call board meeting held Sunday, April 14th, 2013, the ISCA Board of Directors adopted the following revised policy in regards member's manufacturing/distributing Unauthorized Patches. The policy takes effect immediately.
Frequently Asked Questions
ISCA Roots Trace Back Almost a Half Century
The International Scouting Collectors Association was formed in 2001, when the American Scouting Traders Association (ASTA)
and the National Scouting Collectors Society (NSCS) merged to better serve the collecting community. The previous organization
were RECOGNIZED WORLDWIDE as leading Scouting memorabilia organizations, devoted to the preservation of the hobby. ISCA will
surely follow in their footsteps. ISCA is a not-for-profit corporation with members from all fifty states and from many other
Scouting countries. ISCA is operated by volunteer Scouters well experienced in collecting and trading Scouting memorabilia.
Our primary purpose is to educate the membership and others regarding Scouting
memorabilia and promotion of the ISCA Ethics.
"The ISCA Journal"
The "ISCA Journal", ISCA's quarterly publication featuring ISCA functions, Trade-O-Ree information, history of Scouting memorabilia, news of new patches issued, reports on TOR's, Letters to the Editor and lots more.
Trading By Mail
Expanding Your Trading Opportunities: Members can access a complete roster of current members giving their name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and their collecting and trading interests. There is also a 1 for 1 trading section in each ISCA Journal.
ISCA co-sponsors Trade-O-Rees around the country. These Trade-O-Rees provide an opportunity for the membership to gather for fellowship, education, displaying of collections and trading face to face. Meeting your mail trading friend can be an exciting experience. TOR's are listed in the ISCA Journal and on this website.
National Event Participation
ISCA takes a leading part in holding seminars, furnishing displays and providing information to new collectors and traders. These are done at Section Conclaves, National Order of the Arrow Conferences (NOAC) and other opportunities.
You Are Represented
ISCA has four Regional Vice Presidents in the USA. They coordinate activities through the Area Vice Presidents in the many
states within their regions. Regional Vice Presidents are members of the ISCA Executive Board. Area Vice Presidents who are
appointed by the Regional Chairs see that ISCA Trade-O-Rees are held in their area, seek new memberships, and keep us informed
of hobby news and happenings in their area with reports published in the ISCA Journal or by furnishing information to our Column
Editors. In addition, you are also represented by ELECTED national officers and an ELECTED Board of Directors.