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Collector Books and Software

Below is information on some other reference book on Scouting memorabilia. Please contact the author for the current price 
and availability.

A Comprehensive Guide to the Eagle Scout Award
by Terry Grove - 1998

This book is a complete record of all Eagle Scout Award materials produced from 1912 to 1998. There is informative, historical data that will educate and intrigue the reader. --- 140 Pages

Terry Grove - 2048 Shady Hill Terrace - Winter Park, FL32792
Email: groveagle@cfl.rr.com

A Guide to Dating and Identifying Boy Scouts of America Badges, Uniforms and Insignia (3rd Edition)
 by Mitch Reis - 2000

A 186 page book contains hundreds of photographs, dates and descriptions of all types of Boy Scout Badges, Uniforms, Pins, Medals and Insignia. A must for both the novice and experienced collector.

Mitch Reis - 883 Matianuck Ave. - Windsor, CT 06095
Email: Mitch@MitchReis.Com

Boy Scout of America Uniform Program Strips 1910 - 1998 Collecting Guide 
by Brad Estabrook & Chris Jensen - 1998

This book shows in color, full scale 133 different BSA Uniform Insignia strips (nearly all known) for the pocket. Included is a check list, and a history of the strips to help you date them. --- 32 pages. 

Chris Jensen - PO Box 1841 - Easley, SC 29641-1841
Email: cjensen@streamwood.net.

Collecting Boy Scout Rank Badges
by Paul Myers - 1999

The complete guide to BSA rank badges. Three years in editing. Complete with descriptions and over 100 quality photos. Contains information on many previously unknown items. --- 54 pages.

Paul Myers - Box 1013 - Goshen, IN   46527
Email: gimogash@earthlink.com

Collecting Scouting Literature-A Collector's Guide to Boy Scout Fiction and Non-Fiction
by Chuck Fisk and Doug Bearce, 2nd edition published in 1990

This book has a complete listing of each printing of Boy Scout, Scout Master, and Patrol Leader Handbooks. Also included are sections of the book of Baden-Powell, Beard, Seton as well as a large section of fiction about the scouting movement. There is a check list of cubbing literature, senior scouting, scouting histories, scout diaries, scout related comics, etc, etc. 20.00 shipping included.

Doug Bearce -- P O Box 4742 -- Salem, OR 97302. 503-399-9872
Email: bearce@prodigy.net

Red and White Council List Checklist (2nd Edition)
by Bruce Raver - 2000

Alphabetically lists over 1600 issues and variations, separated by type (RWS, BWS, etc.).  Includes the state where the council office is/was located, year of council merger or name change, plus a space for entering your own information, such as condition or estimated value.  . --- 52 pages.

Bruce Raver - P.O. Box 1000 - Slingerlands, New York 12159
E-mail:  BruceRaver@RWSworld.com

Senior Scouting Collectibles
by Jim Clough - 1995

This book presents a basic outline of the Senior Scouting programs & badges from the 1930's through the 1950's. --- 124 pages.

Jim Clough - Box 6754 - Maryville, TN 37802
Email: wakpominee48@hotmail.com

Scouting History Through Memorabilia: The Bernie Miller Collection - Volumes 1 & 2
by Roy More - 1995 & 1997

Two volume set with over 2,000 items pictured including over 300 items in full color. Each item also has an estimated value. The books provide extensive background and historical information as well as identification guides. --- 232 and 312 pages

Roy More - 2484 Dundee, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 
Email: spa@msen.com

The Blue Book (4th Edition)
published by the American Scouting Historical Society - 2002

The Blue Book is a comprehensive listing of all of the known insignia as of February 2002 from each and every OA Lodge that has existed to the best knowledge of the Blue Book editors and committee. Available in book or CD form from several dealers  Also available for download - free at http://www.oaimages.com/download.shtml . 

The Boy Scout of America During World Wars I & II
by Mitch Reis - 1984

An exciting 104 page book containing all aspects of the Boy Scouts of America’s service and memorabilia during the first and second World Wars.

Mitch Reis - 883 Matianuck Ave. - Windsor, CT 06095
Email: Mitch@MitchReis.Com

The History of the Lone Scouts Through Memorabilia
by Mitch Reis - 1996

At last, an exciting new book covering the history and memorabilia of the Lone Scouts from 1915 through 1996. Contains over 150 pages - hardbound.

Mitch Reis - 883 Matianuck Ave. - Windsor, CT 06095
Email: Mitch@MitchReis.Com

The Merit Badge Price Guide
by Chris Jensen - 1994

This book is a well researched guide with color pictures of all the merit badges to help identify, in addition to a pricing guide for all the varieties from 1911 to present. There is also a chapter on the history of the merit badges, items required for the eagle scout award through the years, and tips for restoration of the badges. --- 158 pages.

Streamwood,Inc. - PO Box 1841 - Easley, SC 29641-1841
Email: cjensen@streamwood.net.


Do you have a Collector book or software that you would like 
listed here?
e-mail us.

Last updated: November 7, 2003  


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