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Scouting History

History of Scouting in West Texas (USA)
devoted to preserving the history of Scouting in West Texas starting as early as 1910 when Congress chartered the BSA.

Northeastern PA History
Includes history of Goose Pond Scout Reservation, Silver Beaver recipients, Eagle Scout listings, council formation, etc. Check it out.

Scouting History & Traditions
a premiere site focusing on the history of the Scouting from Lord Robert Baden-Powell to the founders of the Boy Scouts of America.

The "Other" Honor Societies
Those long lost Scouting Honor Societies (pre-OA) - a history of past and present Scouting Honor Societies. Most of these are now extinct as the Order of the Arrow has assumed this role in most councils in the USA.

The Pinetree Web
contains several pages about the history of the Scouting Movements founding fathers including Baden-Powell and Dan Beard. Also some historic information and photographs of the early Jamborees.

US Scouting Service Project
Contains historical write-ups on a number of different Scouting topics.


Do you have an website about Scouting History that you would like 
listed here?
e-mail us.

Last updated: May 15, 2003  


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