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Chumash OA Lodge 90
A collection of Chumash Lodge 90 patches.

Gila OA Lodge 378
A collection of Gila  Lodge 378 patches.

Keystone Area Council  Insignia
A collection of Keystone Area Council CSP's and Susquehannock Lodge XI insignia.

Nisqually OA Lodge 155
A collection of Nisqually  Lodge 155 patches.

NOAC 1998 in Stitches
A comprehensive look at the flaps and other patches issued for the 1998 National Order of the Arrow Conference. Over 99% of the Lodge issues for this NOAC are presented in full color.

NOAC 2000
A comprehensive look at the flaps and other patches issued for the 2000 National Order of the Arrow Conference. Over 99% of the Lodge issues for this NOAC are presented in full color.

See images and listing of all identified Staff items from the 2000 NOAC
          (this is a very large page and may take a few minutes to load)

OA Check List - July 2002 Update (240k)
The ISCA has produced a free, printable checklist of all current and merged Order of the Arrow lodges. It's available in Adobe Acrobat PDF  format. The PDF format requires the Adobe Acrobat reader software available for free from the Adobe web site.

OA Section List
provides listings of Lodges by Section along with their associated Councils. Also provided are links to all known web sites of OA Regions, Sections, Lodges and Councils.

PacificOA is a set of reference pages for the memorabilia of the Order of the Arrow in the Pacific Islands of Hawaii and Guam. Also here are the conclave patches from all of the OA conclaves held in Hawaii. Just click on a button to visit the page of your choice.

Siwinis 252 Patches
A patch history for this lodge can be found on this site.

The Internet Guide to OA Insignia
a very large virtual collection of OA insignia. Now consisting of over 30,000 images from every lodge. Provides a visual companion to the Blue Book IV. This site is also provides lodge name translations, lodge listings by state, as well as alphabetical and numerical listings.

Western New York Order of the Arrow Patch History,
An illustrated history of patch from lodges Ganosote 159, Ho-De-No-Sau-Nee 159, and Tuscarora 284.

Wisconsin OA Lodges,
A listing of information for all Order of the Arrow lodges from Wisconsin.

Yustaga Lodge 385 Patches
an image Gallery of everything having to do with Yustaga #385.



Do you have an website about OA Items that you would like 
listed here?
e-mail us.

Last updated: May 15, 2003 


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